Zotero Library Assignment

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The Zotero Library assignment gave me new insight on a great research and archive tool — Zotero. By using Zotero, I was able to navigate to online document repositories, such as Google Scholar and Boise State’s Albertsons Library, as well as commercial websites — namely Amazon.com, to find and compile a list of compelling resources. Zotero allowed me to collect data concerning interesting and useful resources with a click of a button. Using the Zotero data, I can easily cite the source material within my writings and/or archive items for retrieval at a later date.

Zotero is a great tool, but not without small quirks. The main issue I found is that when the references are exported in APA 6th Edition style, incorrect style format was applied to article titles. For archive purposes, this is a non-issue, but for citation within my writing, the sources require manual manipulation to comply with APA formatting.  I also found that one of my selected article references had the journal title added twice — one instance in an abbreviated format and the other instance in a fully-spelled out manner as expected.  Resolving this issue just requires a keen eye and thorough review of each entry.

This Zotero Library assignment effectively meets the AECT 4.4 Standard. This standard states:

4.4 Information Management
Information management involves planning, monitoring, and controlling the storage, transfer, or processing of information in order to provide resources for learning.

By using Zotero, I am able to efficiently manage information that supports learning by collecting resources that can be easily cited or archived for future sharing.

Click the link below to see the references I compiled using Zotero.

Zach Menshouse – Zotero Refrences

RSS Feeds Assignment

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RSS - Feed Your Mind

RSS Feeds can be very useful tools to aid in learning.  I see three key areas in which the establishment of learning centered RSS feeds/bundles serve to benefit the learning environment.  These areas include (1) information delivery, (2) information filtration, and (3) display.

First, the nature of RSS in itself provides a great advantage as it delivers content straight to the learning environment.  When a feed is functioning correctly, targeted content is delivered directly to the learner for consumption.  The task of searching for pertinent content is greatly minimized, potentially resulting in more efficient resource and time management.  When new content is developed, it “arrives” for learner consumption; learners may no longer need to perform tasks to determine whether new information is available.

Secondly, by setting up RSS feeds, we may determine which content sources are acceptable and those that are not acceptable.  We are in control of our content providers.  We may select only trusted content source to ensure that an accurate message is presented concerning our content areas.  With the vast array of websites providing information, which may or may not be correct, using an RSS feed/bundle to filter down the options is very helpful.

Lastly, by using an RSS Reader, we can obtain information from multiple sources in a consistent manner.  The websites we visit may organize or structure their information differently.  In order to effectively manage and use the information, we need to know how to navigate these interfaces that often greatly differ from one another.  By compiling these feeds into a bundle, we may view the content in one consistent format.

By the establishment and utilization of RSS feeds, one can effectively meet the AECT 4.4 Information Management Standard.  This standard states:

4.4 Information Management
Information management involves planning, monitoring, and controlling the storage, transfer, or processing of information in order to provide resources for learning.

Setting up a RSS feed or bundle allows us to plan, monitor, and control the type and flow of information to learners.

Click Here To Acess My Google Reader Bundle

Learning Log Assignment

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Creating this learning log was a very useful experience for me. For one, it was my first time working with WordPress. WordPress has been very intuitive and easy to use. Making posts and sharing what I have learned and completed in class has been much easier than I expected. Secondly, it is a great tool to keep me organized. I am typically not the greatest at being organized. This learning log is helping to keep me organized and on track.

I hope to find some time to begin adding assignments from my other classes to my learning log. I believe that by being proactive and adding all completed assignments and reflections to this log, it will be much easier to compile the final portfolio for graduation.