WordPress is an excellent resource for creating a learning log. The interface allows for easy creation and organizing of posts. When I first was introduced to WordPress I didn’t think I would be very interested in using it as a platform for presenting my thoughts. I felt that the interface would probably be too limiting for my desires, but I found that the system is fairly flexible and provides time-saving functionality. No longer do I need to code a webpage and upload via FTP, but instead using the simple posting tool allows for easy and quick updates.

As it relates to the AECT 2.3 Computer-Based Technologies Standard, a WordPress site is a great resource for sharing and presenting information. AECT.org defines computer-based technologies as ways to produce or deliver materials using microprocessor-based resources. My learning log, utilizing WordPress, represents a computer-based method of presenting and sharing information. Using a computer, I can blog about my thoughts, link/archive to important information or related resources, organize my posts by standards, class, or topic, and create URL links for easily sharing my writing with others.