This week’s assignment was to develop a customized “Presidents Quiz” app. I found this assignment to be fun and a good exercise to manage multiple lists

For my app I chose to create a “quiz” around professional athletes. The app randomly selects an image and associated hint from a list of 10 available current or former professional athletes. The user can select an answer from a drop-down and check their answer. I chose to use a ListPicker instead of a text entry box for this assignment as some people might struggle with proper spelling of the athletes’ names. Providing a list for selection allows for users to answer correctly regardless of their spelling ability.

I reviewed a couple of projects that my classmates built. I found that like me, they stuck fairly close to the original intent of the app. They each presented an app that displays a picture with a question and allowed users to enter and submit their answer. I think this “quiz” element will be useful for many of my classmates’ final projects!